Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Supplemental post ...

Two insights that came today as I twitch with nervous tension and anticipation ...

Kim Beazley was always a blithering wreck leading up to and on election day because he always felt he was sure that no one would vote for him ... he was a politician for 27 years! And he retired and wasn't voted out! Guess he just didn't take things for granted. If you've been reading the blog closely you might hear a little of that story in the way I feel leading into production week ... it's one of the reasons I'm not a good sideline spectator and I like to do tech stuff for the shows I direct. I get great satisfaction watching actors do their thing once the show is underway.

I do this theatre stuff because I love it, it's always from the heart and not to put too finer point on it, it sustains me. I have no status anxiety about the work I do, I don't believe I'll be an important man or that doing these things will lead to wider recognition and kudos. The achievements of a successful show are there to be enjoyed by all, everyone who has put in and facilitating that process (despite the nervous tension) is of the greatest joy to me. It is sometimes difficult in the ebb and flow of a production to notice the great things going on when you're sweating the small details and, instead of wondering if anyone will vote for you, wondering if anyone will come and see the show.

My second insight came when I thought about how in the midst of a thunder storm, the lashing rain, the lightning strikes, the general darkness, over cloud top the sun is still shining. It's a bit Oprah I know, and it's as far as I'll push that particular metaphor, but I know that the storm will clear and I will love every hilarious moment, every dropped line, every corpsing moment during the play as I give the music it's volume.

Just wanted to share ... me, the Gorilla and the Big Blue Iguana are still taking high tea - anyone want to join us?


Mrs Keyzer Like Laser said...

hmmm, perhaps. are they serving chai?


Lajos said...

only the best chai tea in town - warm, sweet, spicy!

Anonymous said...

I'll join in on that tea party! sounds like fun!

and hooray! you are now using that photo I took! ^__^