Thursday, October 9, 2008


Somebody fetch me some oil before the rusty gate falls off the hinges!!!

Oh boy, tonight was a mixture of frustration, delight, despair, derailment, trumpet envy and a little stick throwing.

I am personally astounded I need to beg people to be at rehearsals, or at least beg them to give me timely warning of their viral absences, at this stage of rehearsals, only four more rehearsals you know, sure she'll be all right on the night, I'm sure that's what the band on the deck of the Titanic where thinking as the cold water lapped their ankles and caused their Violins to shudder just a little ... Yikes, kinda wandered off there. I also wish I wasn't so exacting and maybe a little more laissez faire ... but that ain't me. I come from nervous Hungarian and just plain crazy Dutch stock; so me and the 300lb Gorilla that lives in my anxiety closet get on just fine.

I was more frustrated than angry tonight, as were a few of the cast members, I know everyone is trying hard and it has been a big ask to this point and it only gets more fraught as we move on into the production week proper. But, it is the eternal frustration of the director ... yaddah yaddah yaddah: lines, lines, lines, fine tuning, are we having fun yet?

This week I did go and record some Didgeridoo for the soundtrack to the play and I'll get to work on that on Monday (touch wood) ... apart from some Hungarian inspired music for the rude mechanicals, and beautiful madrigal style music for the fairies, there will be some Ukulele and Trombone action to brighten up the action.

Costumes are also coming along nicely.

We'll give the PIA score a miss tonight because I just don't know how to rate it - tomorrow will be better, tomorrow will be better, Krusty is coming, Krusty is coming.

This has been one huge week and I'm one weary director right now ... at least a couple of hours sleep for me ... I'm outta here to throw some bananas at the Gorilla, see ya on the weekend.


Anonymous said...

yes... I was having HUGE trumpet envy!

and man, there was a bit of tension... being the emotional sponge that I am, I picked up a lot of it and got a big ol' knot in my tummy tums...

but it was all okay...

here is hoping that yes, tomorrow is indeed a lot less.... tension and frustration ridden ^__^

now I'm off to sleep... I expect to be extra-sleepy tomorrow... :(

Dr Krystal said...

There are plently of phrases the can be trotted out at this point: "It'll be alright on the night" and "It's always darkest before the dawn".

But really, when it comes down to it, you know you're doing this because you love it, and so is everyone else. So it *will* come together and it *will* be worth it and it *will* be brilliant.

I believe.

Lots of Love,

PS.. A big hi to the members of the cast that I know!