It was a successful season! As good as a sell out on the last night, good ticket sales generally and most importantly an artistically satisfying and happy ending to an amazing journey. I am quite emotional about the whole thing at the moment which is why I would like the opportunity to add to the blog in about a week or so to round off the story of A Midsummer Night's Dream 2008.
I am grateful and privileged to have had the opportunity to direct this play, work with the production crew, and have the actors honour their dedications with such passion (more to say about that as I go) ... And I did allow myself to bask a little in the audience glow after a couple of the shows ;-)
The cast also got me a present of an original art work commissioned from Emma. Emma was our script prompter and rehearsal photographer (not the ones in the other post but will put them up as they come) and she is also a talented artist. Susie, who played Titania and is me wifey, organised it ages ago and Emma did a spectacular job. It was presented to me between the matinee and closing night performances and I blubbered like ... well, like me ;-)
Susie mentioned in the presentation that I don't like the word 'proud' but she and the cast felt that I should be proud of the result of the rehearsal journey. I am wary of pride because of the easily evoked negative qualities of pride and its close relative arrogance ... It's one of my 'things' I suppose, some people have difficulty accepting compliments, some people worry needlessly about looks, a kilogram of misplaced weight or how good they are at the expense of others - but I worry about getting too carried away in pride. It could well be a Catholic thing ... you know seven deadly sins and all. But if I were to use pride/proud as part of my vernacular I would use it to describe the deep pleasure, joy and satisfaction of a job well done and the awe of watching those involved with this production enjoy their work (and frustration) alongside myself. None of this stuff works unless the people with you are willing to jump off the same cliff and I am humbled by the willingness everybody close to the production showed - and yes, I am shedding a tear or two of joy and appreciation as I type this.
Thank you to my cast: Belinda, Malcolm, Philip, Rachel H, Rachel M, Sandra & Tony, Ben, Bill, Darcy, Gabi, Gemma, Ian, Jacque, Juliet, Katie, Luke, McKenzie, Peter, Rowan, Sam, Susie & Troy ... They worked their arses off, sacrificed a whole chunk of time and gave honour to their dedications and each other. As Barry White would say, "My unlimited love unto you all!"
I will make my production thank-yous in a couple of days ... but I am feeling particularly meditative right now so I might go and bask in the quiet solitude.